
Our Partner

Meet With Professional Thinkspedia

Kentico is a content management system (CMS) and digital experience platform (DXP) used for building websites, online stores, intranets, and web applications.

Tableau is a powerful data visualization software that enables users to create interactive and shareable dashboards and reports from various data sources. It is widely used across industries for data analysis, business intelligence, and decision-making.

Lawang Sewu Technology is a company that was officially established in 2013 and operates in the field of Information and Communication Technology, to provide useful, beneficial, and efficient solutions and services for the community.

Why Choose Us

We Are The Perfect Fit For Your IT Problem

Grow your business or organization with digital technology to expand your reach in the world, the whole world must know the greatness of your business!

If You Need Help or Have Some Question, Consultation with Us

021 7349 2542

Our Expertise

We Provide Best IT Services

Our service portfolio covers an entire software development life cycle and meets varied business needs.

Technology Services
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Modern Technology
Certified Team